

The foundation “Zukunft für Kinder” (‘Future for Children’) has been active in the Muntigunung region in Bali for 10 years. A team consisting of representatives of the foundation as well of the Medical Faculty of Udayana University in Denpasar (Bali) supports underprivileged people in South Eastern Asia who wish to proactively improve their living conditions. The main focus is on direct dialogue with the people affected and conducting a thorough analysis so as to be able to carry out a detailed investigation into the causes of the problems. Measures then have to be developed for successful implementation.

One example of such a programme is the “Training” project. Planting and processing agricultural products such as cashew nuts, rosella (wild hibiscus) and lontar sugar gives individuals the opportunity to acquire vocational training and earn a regular income. Skills in the area of company leadership and responsibility are specifically promoted. 

Why is Network 41 is supporting this institution in particular? Because it reflects the underlying philosophy of Network 41 itself: using investment in initial training and professional development as the basis for lasting success and thereby taking development into one's own hands. 

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